What to Expect With Bariatric Surgery

Doctor Q&A

Bariatric surgery is metabolic surgery that impacts the body’s energy storage and appetite regulation system to assist patients in losing weight more quickly and keeping it off long-term.

At AdventHealth, we offer two types of bariatric surgery:

  • Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and reroutes the stream of food through the digestive tract. It has been the most effective surgical procedure in ensuring long-term weight loss.

Find more details on this procedure here.

  • Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy removes upwards of 75 to 80 percent of the stomach. You will feel fuller faster and longer, drastically reducing your calorie intake.

Find more details on this procedure here.

A 24-hour hospital stay is required, but because the procedures are performed laparoscopically, meaning through small incisions, recovery is faster and complications fewer.

Am I a good candidate for bariatric surgery?

You are if you meet these criteria:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) of 35


  • at least one weight-related condition, such as Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension or Osteoarthritis


BMI of 40 or greater without any weight-related condition.

  • You need to have tried losing weight with a structured weight loss program without success.
  • You need to be willing to make some permanent lifestyle changes, including diet, activity and smoking/drinking habits.

[Note:  A BMI of 35 is about 50 to 75 pounds overweight. A BMI of 40 is about 100 pounds overweight.]

How soon can I go back to work after bariatric surgery?

Recovery is not difficult or extremely painful. You might be able to return to work in a week, but that depends on the type of work you do.


  • You will be restricted from lifting more than 15 pounds for two to three weeks.
  • You must follow a strict diet for six to eight weeks, so you need to be able to manage this diet at your workplace.

Complete healing takes about six to eight weeks. At that point activity restrictions are lifted, and you will be able to incorporate different foods into your diet.

Because losing weight will help you gain mobility, you may have a greatly improved work life after surgery.  Our goal is to help you regain your health, which has likely been compromised by your excess weight, and to attain a much higher quality of life after surgery.

Am I in good hands at AdventHealth?

Offered by a dedicated team of professionals, our reputation is built on the following:

  • We are recognized as one of the largest bariatric surgery programs in the United States.
  • We are accredited as a Comprehensive Center by the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and the American College of Surgeons.
  • We continually meet and exceed national benchmarks.
  • We provide a comprehensive medical team to care for you.
  • Our complication rates are some of the lowest in the country.

What is my next step?

Bariatric surgery is not a quick fix to achieve your goal weight. In order to be successful, it requires a commitment on your part, but it can provide a great first step and a tool to assist you with losing weight on your journey to a healthier you.

For more information, call AdventHealth – Lenexa at (913) 676-8491, or sign up for a free informational seminar with our surgeons.